Trying to repair a song is hell. If there is an anomaly that is not very long (0.1s-0.3s), but it occurs during lyrics, it is nearly impossible to fix without editing the character of the lyrics. The current minimum inpaint size ends up selecting too much, which means you are forced to redo some part of the lyrics, but this often ends with new issues (clicks/gibberish/anomalies etc) du to the size for this being too small, so you have to expand the inpaint area to cover multiple words/lines for the inpaint to generate something that works as well as not speaking gibberish. This newly generated lyrics is also different from other verses/choruses which is generally unwanted. Its so unnessecary considering the part of the audio that has the anomaly most of the time is so small it could have easily been replaced by using the instrumental inpaint setting instead of lyric if the system allowed the inpaint size to be reduced further.