Feature Requests

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Please bring back and improve stability sound and integrity pieces of generation. Please fix volume, sound and quality degradation after extend after update on July 24
According to my observations, after July 24, the sound became compressed, not voluminous and plastic (bad), the vocals are a little better, but very often swallowed words. Before this update it was stable, after it problems with the volume when continuing and the illogicality and instability of the continuation of the passage too bad. Version 1.0 got worse😢. In 1.5 it same problems with sound. The sound became a compressed and plastic! Volume problems returned😔. The vocals became slurred, swallowed words. After September 18-19, the quality has completely been stifled💀. Either the vocals are terrible, or they don't hit the rhythm, or the instrumental is too poor😔. Disharmony and incompleteness of the tracks🤡, most of the tracks are out of tune, out of tone💩, the vocals are louder than usual😣 and they sing indistinct, terrible to the ear, drug addict voices🤢🤮. The prompts have changed and it gives out something different, not what it gave out before😭 Could you please return the last save before the July 24 update and correct the volume and sound mixing, vocals and instrumentals, improve the language and solve the problem with decreasing / increasing the volume and compression of the following fragments when continuing the track. It's very sad now😔 Udio in June-July is the best that ever happened❤️ In September it's very bad and disappointment👎☠
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