Shorter Generations
Bryn Embery
You can already control this from prompts, and if really necessary just clip it...
Dem Nisbet
That would be fantastic, please expedite, and even less than 10 seconds would be best. Sometimes you just need to get the AI to finish a fade-out - it cuts out suddenly. However, it may be possible to just add the amount of fade out that you want, then use the trim feature. So far that isn't working well for me, so this change would be great.
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custom length generated iterations
IDoNot Comply (IDoNotComply)
instead of the fixed 32 second generated iteration, allow the user to specify a length shorter than 32 seconds.
Dan Hastings
never mind making it a fixed length, i wish udio would just figure it out on its own based on the music it generates. Suno does it. Paste in all the lyrics and it can be up to 4 minutes but isnt strictly that long if it doesnt need to be
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Udio-16 or Udio 8, or Udio-flex with different generation widths
Rolf Joseph
The intro and outro are often too long, regardless of whether it is Udio-16 or Udio 8, or Udio-flex with different generation widths. This is what you need so that more musical depth can be created.
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The ability to add less than 32 second segments
André Kroon
Sometimes a song is 5 seconds away from being done, adding 32 often results in unwanted stuff.
Bryan Derksen
One approach that might be an easy fix for this would be to let me add X seconds of silence to the beginning or end of a song, and then I could use inpainting to turn the silence into the extension. That would have the added benefit that I could guarantee that the song will begin or end from silence, smoothly transitioning into it, by just leaving a second of silence out of the inpainted region.
Perhaps even allow silence to be inserted in the middle of a song, so that if for example two verses feel "crammed together" I could add a bit of breathing room between them and then inpaint it into something to join the bits back together.
Bryan Derksen
I run into this a lot. It seems to me like there's a simple way this could be accomplished, if you could tell Udio "add X seconds of silence to the song" then you could use inpainting to fill it in with actual sound. As an added bonus you could guarantee that the music transitions to or from silence by leaving a bit of the silence out of the inpainted region.
Ian Braunstein
Pixel Hacker
Ideally for a single credit
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