Add file in .srt format
Autumn Valenta
This is an apt idea, but I think it might be more generalized if we got "markers" added to the WAV files, which could then be processed into SRT files by whatever process the user wants.
SRT is a little more turnkey, and simple to put into plain text, but the WAV support would be neat, even though it's not universally recognized. For example, open source projects know how to read markers in WAV/RIFF structures in professional contexts:
> The associated data list (<assoc-data-list>) allows labels and notes to be attached to cue points; text annotation may be given for a group of samples (e.g., caption information).
Bryan Derksen
Adding the ability to edit the .srt (or whatever back-end structure is used to determine the timing of the lyrics) would be really handy for fixing the subtitled videos for songs where the auto-generated timing is wrong, or simply nonexistent.